Friday, December 27, 2019

Old Age And The Process Of Aging - 1641 Words

This paper argues that gerontology, the study of old age and the process of aging, have overlooked gender inequality within policies of patriarchal structures, and within the ideologies of western capitalist society. This is a major source of women’s social and economic powerlessness’ in old age. Ray (1996) explains feminist gerontology as a connection between feminism and gerontology focusing on gender and gender relations. Feminist gerontology deals with populations of both women and men, and through the connection between gender, conclusions in research on women are drawn from building upon research based on men (Calasanti, 2004). Patriarchal structure of western society still maintains the core preference of traditional gender roles, which lead to familiar results in old age. The manifestation of this ideology can be seen in advertisement in media and again repeated within institutions of political and educational domains. Its ability to take several forms produces the root of issues of inequality in old age and difficulty women face compared to men. Gender, within research of gerontology is relatively recent in its consideration in exploring the experience of elderly in western society (Wray, 2003). Therefore, differentiating between genders is done through describing the obstacles that women face in old age compared to men, such as gap in life expectancy, where women tend to live longer than men (Backes et al., 2006). Their ‘prolonged’ lifespan in comparison to menShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Aging On Aging And Aging1343 Words   |  6 Pagesageing, this is generally the process of becoming old. It is the in a way the opposite of immortality. In a broader aspect, it may occur to single cells in an organism also called cellular senescence or the population of a species, known as population ageing. This process primarily affects human beings and fungi. In humans, it signifies the accumulation of various changes which occur over tim e. The changes include physical, social and psychological changes. Causes of aging are very uncertain. BesidesRead MoreAging And Its Effects On The Aging1360 Words   |  6 Pagesageing, this is generally the process of becoming old. It is the in a way the opposite of immortality. In a broader aspect, it may occur to single cells in an organism also called cellular senescence or the population of a species, known as population ageing. This process primarily affects human beings and fungi. In humans, it signifies the accumulation of various changes which occur over time. The changes include physical, social and psychological changes. Causes of aging are very uncertain. BesidesRead MoreIt Is Never Too Late To Quit Smoking. Smoking Is A Habit1348 Words   |  6 Pagestoo late to quit smoking. Smoking is a habit that many Americans have even into their old age. However, smoking is not a healthy habit it effects your brain, heart, lungs and throat, it can cause cancer, as well as COPD. Not only does smoking lead to chronic diseases, but has many effects on the aging process. In older adults, they see a lower quality of life due to a lifelong of smoking. Although smoking in old age has become less popular, the generation of baby boomers is going to change that statisticRead MoreEffects Of Aging On Our Popular Cultures, Tv Ads And Magazines927 Words   |  4 Pages1. Images of aging in our popular cultures, TV ads and magazines etc. show that aging is factor that is always unpreventable for all of us but we cannot prevent aging and everyone will convert into an old age person. Most of TV ads and magazines are about b eauty and about maintenance of younger age such as ads about skin care creams, anti aging creams, anti-marks and anti wrinkle creams, perfumes, lip sticks etc. all are for younger people. We see very less commercials and ads of products which areRead MoreEssay about Growing Old1073 Words   |  5 Pageswill go through the aging process. However, how well each endures that process depends on the individual. After my Visit at English Oaks Convalescent Home, a skilled nursing facility for adults’ age 55 and older, I found this to be true. During my visit, I conversed with many â€Å"residents† whom were alert and oriented and very aware of the aging process. We conversed about the process of aging and the factors that appear to account for a longer life. We talked about adjusting to aging as well as the positivesRead MoreA Silver Fox868 Words   |  4 Pagesmen embark on a trip to remember, they learn the importance of embracing their age, rather than evade the inevita ble by living up to the stigmas perpetuated by societal ignorance. Virility, affluence, and power, are components of the formula that represents Hollywood’s longstanding depiction of a silver fox. Feeding into such stereotypes portrayed by older males in the industry paints unrealistic images of the aging process into the minds of the consumers, ultimately misconstruing one’s expectationsRead MoreAgeism : Ageism And Prejudice Against The Old Age1506 Words   |  7 Pagesand categorizes people, by shape, size, color, and age. The elderly in their later years should be able to have a peaceable life and be treated with dignity and respect. However, pretty much anyone over the age of 50 is a target for an attack of an attitude of ageism at some point. The Greek, the Native indigenous group and Koreans are few of the cultures that adore, admires and respects the elderly in their community. As baby boomers are growing old and ageing out of the workforce, voluntarily or byRead MoreSlowing the Biological Clock Essays1068 Words   |  5 Page sat a young age because the effects of the care will have outcomes as the person ages. There are several contributing factors to speeding up the aging process such as, stress, vitamin and mineral deficiency, or excessive food intakes. Reducing and or limiting these factors can play a major role in how the body continues to age. As an individual age his or her body is more susceptible to natural ways of slowing the biological clock rather than non-natural ways of change. The aging process is somethingRead MoreAgeing - Physical and Psychological Changes. Pathological Ageing1665 Words   |  7 Pages The process of aging has been around as long as life itself. All living organisms pass through three broad stages from conception to death, which are maturation, maturity and aging. Aging affects everyone because nearly everyone has the potential to grow old and all the societies in which we live have older members (Macdonald, 1997). Gerontology is the use of reason to understand aging. The term was used to refer to the scientific study of aging, but nowadays it includes the study of aging usingRead MoreOlder Adult s Beliefs On Aging1583 Words   |  7 Pagesperspective on the process of aging. Their view on aging could have been influenced by their own age, gender, time, society, culture, and other countless factors. The purpose of this paper is to explore an older adult’s beliefs on aging by interviewing three people from different age group; an adolescent (ages 14-20), a middle-aged person (ages 45-60), and an older adult (age 70-100 or older). The people I interviewed are Christian (19-years-old African American male), Leroy (60-years-old Caucasian male)

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Personal Theory Based Leadership Style - 1581 Words

Personal theory-based leadership style: A reflective paper Introduction There are many theories of leadership. Depending on the researcher, some theories may also be subdivided based on specific characteristic. Nevertheless, regardless of the researcher’s views, for the practitioner, it is important to be cognizant of their personal style. The responsibilities of an educational leader are vast and varied. They must be able to be effective with the faculty, support staff, students, parents, community members, supervisors, and colleagues (Avolio, Walumbwa, Weber, 2009). Being aware of a personal leadership style can help a leader identify areas of needs, strengths, and areas for further development. This paper is a reflective exploration†¦show more content†¦I do not make hasty decisions; I consider as many possibilities as I can first. Because I consider myself as being very flexible, I think I adapt to situations easily, and I make decisions accordingly. Regarding the motivation beliefs self-assessment, I know I am highly self-motivated. For this reason, I believe in building other people’s (whether students, co-workers, or followers) ability to use intrinsic motivators rather than an external, rewards and punishments system. I have found that many individuals who are not self-motivated usually have low self-esteem, low self-efficacy, and low self-confidence. I strongly believe that when you help others achieve success, these negative attitudes or feelings can be replaced with positive motivation. While my self-assessment regarding the self vs. task indicated that I am more task oriented, I have reflected on those areas as well as asked others to evaluate how they see me regarding those areas. In conclusion, I do not agree with the evaluation for the self-assessment, which indicated that I am more task oriented. By nature, I am a people pleaser and a caregiver. However, I am also highly motivated and focused. Therefore, I believe that I do not necessarily have one supersede the other. In reflection, I do think that it depends on the specific task. Nevertheless, I do believe that I would care greatly about the people while accomplishing the task. When I look at my self-assessment, I noticeShow MoreRelatedThe Teacher Leadership Compensation Model Essay1245 Words   |  5 Pagesof the literature pertaining to educational leadership, including general theoretical concepts of effective leaders, trends in educational leadership, effective personal leadership traits of school leader s, and the Iowa Teacher Leadership Compensation model. First, this review provides a foundation by examining theoretical concepts in general leadership theories. It focuses on historical trends in general leadership as we as general personal leadership traits of effective leaders. Next, this reviewRead MoreDifference Between Character And Characteristics, Situational Theory And The Path Goal Theory1254 Words   |  6 Pagescharacter and characteristics, situational theory and the Path-Goal Theory. I will give an assessment of how the application of each can enhance my leadership effectiveness. I will cover how it has made me rethink preconceived ideas about what it means to be a leader to flowers. I will focus on the relationship between leader, follower and situations. Contingency approaches Daft (2014) defines the Contingency approaches as approaches look at the leadership styles that can be used effectively, and seekRead MoreLeadership Theories Of The Nhs Leadership Essay1652 Words   |  7 PagesThis reflective essay is based on the personal SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats) analysis, to examine my leadership potential. 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Leadership theories will be used to evaluate my selected leader to determine what characteristics and leadership abilities helped this leader become successful. I will also include an evaluation of my own leadership style and identify what my individual leadership characteristics are. The plan will be developed to improve my leadership style based upon the findings of my chosen leader’s leadership style compared to my own. Leadership Style Leadership influences a group ofRead MoreLeadership Theories And Leadership Styles1512 Words   |  7 Pagesprovide examples surrounding various leadership theories and leadership styles that sustain the definition of a public leader. First, this paper will provide a definition of a public leader. Next, it determine two leadership theories and two leadership styles that support the definition of a public leader. Also, this paper will assess the effectiveness of the two leadership theories. Subsequently, it will assess the effectiveness of the two leadership styles. Further, this paper will utilize properRead MoreThe Leadership Theory And Practice1170 Words   |  5 PagesLeadership Theory and Practice Review of Subject Throughout the history of law enforcement, leaders have used many different styles to lead employees. From the early styles of Autocratic and Laissez-Faire to Participative (democratic), Transactional and Transformational leadership. Leadership within policing has evolved over the years in some organizations to a more participative style and yet there are still leaders who cling to an antiquated domineering style. Nothing is further from

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Implications of Genetically Modified Organism †

Question: Discuss about the Implications of Genetically Modified Organism. Answer: Genetically modified organisms have advantages over its disadvantages because GM crops have insects or pests repelling quality which causes less use of dangerous and harmful pesticides and chemicals on food. Genetically modified crops have the ability to resist extreme and severe fluctuations in weather. So, a good and sufficient yield of crops can be grown in worse conditions of weather. GMO favors greater production of crops because genetically modified crops are very easy to grow, as its have the ability to repel the pests. This feature helps farmers to produce large amount of crops.(Amofah, 2014) Another advantage of GMO is that genetically modified animals and crops generally needs less time and chemicals to grow, which reduces environmental harms such as emission of greenhouse gas, soil erosion etc. With genetically modified organisms, deforestation can be reduced too. GMO was discovered with the help of genetic engineering thats why it make sure that the crops or animals will never be damaged in a fast rate. GMO provides considerable protection for crops and animals. According to Food and Agricultural organization of United Nation, The food produced by GM engineering has more nutritional values which can help to reduce the deficiency of nutrients like vitamins and minerals in food. Few more advantages are reduction in food price due to higher yield, development of new products, new crops etc.(Qiu, 2013) As explained there are many advantages of GMO over its disadvantages, So researchers should do more research on the products made from GMO and should find out how the disadvantages could be changed in advantages, as it is a useful procedure for the population. References Amofah, G. (2014). Recommendations from a Meeting on Health Implications of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO).Ghana Medical Journal, 48(2), p.117. Qiu, J. (2013). Genetically modified crops pass benefits to weeds.Nature.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Outline Of The Oklahoma City Bombing Essay Example

Outline Of The Oklahoma City Bombing Essay How it shook the illusion held by many Americans of a nation safe from the political unrest and terrorism outside its borders (an illusion that would e shattered for good on 9/11). Addressing an argument from the opposing viewpoint (Not all Muslims were punished due to the stereotypes of Muslims being terrorists) A FBI had agents working on Foreign Terrorist Cases B. How the U. S. Punished Muslim states C. Racial and Racist punishment 1. In terms of the racial and racist representation of the terrorist, even when the police sketches of the two anonymous white male suspects (later identified as McVeigh and Nichols) were made public, not all white males came under suspicion, nor were they demonic, interrogated at airports, questioned about their patriotism or made o account or apologize for their religion (Will be inserted into paper) lb. The because of my thesis A. How the view of terrorist changed among U. S. Citizens B. Domestic Terrorists involved in major bombings 1 . In light of these events and warnings, why did the public, media and law enforcement officials immediately suspected Muslim terrorists for the attack? The choice of target was also significant and indicated domestic as opposed to international terrorism. (Will be inserted into paper) How Muslims caused bombings was focused upon greatly A. The differences in memorial and punishments B. An example of how this was done ( the Oklahoma City Bombing) 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Outline Of The Oklahoma City Bombing specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Outline Of The Oklahoma City Bombing specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Outline Of The Oklahoma City Bombing specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In the hours and days following the bombing, the media and law enforcement authorities focused on the Muslim terrorists they believed were responsible, including a Muslim Oklahoma City resident detained at Heathers Airport in London. (will be inserted in paper) C. How Muslims were hunted for in search of explanations to the bombings 1. On April 20th, one day after bombing, another Oklahoma City resident, Iraqi refugee Shari al-Mimosa, was attacked in his home as retaliation for the bombing (Will be inserted into paper) Conclusion: Due to the Oklahoma City Bombing, it was brought to the U. S. Citizens minds t hat to terrorize the United States you dont have to be a Muslim or a foreign enemy. It can be done by anyone in the world. HTTPS://caw. Oxford. Due/writing-tools-thesis-generator. HTML http:// www. Academia. Due/1929038/ 1 1 _and _ After http://www. Dad. Org/combating-hate/domestic-extremism-terrorism/c/the- significance-of-o Oklahoma-city-bombing. HTML Thesis Statement Guide Results Thesis Statement Model #1 : Sample Thesis Statement happily thoughts towards terrorism; Terrorists are commonly NOT Muslims or foreign enemies Thesis Statement Model #2: Thesis with Concession Notice that this model makes a concession by addressing an argument from t he opposing viewpoint first, and then uses the phrase even though and States the writer s opinion/main idea as a rebuttal. Even though Not all Muslims were punished by the U. S. , Due to the Oklahoma City Bombing, U. S. Citizens are corrected of their stereotypical thoughts towards terrorism; T rigorists are commonly NOT Muslims or foreign enemies. Thesis Statement Model Thesis with Reasons Here, the use of because reveals the reasons behind the writers opinion/ main idea. Because U. S. Citizens were not questioned of their motives until the first American terrorist bombing. Before then Muslims were doubted, questioned, and hated for all motives whether g DOD or not. , Due to the typical thought of Muslims being the ones to bomb buildings in the U. S. Many people showed hatred to all Muslims until an American terrorist, Timothy, had bomb De the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. And Timothy McVeigh and John J. Manager were both American Terrorist Bombers that were involved in major city building bombing gas.. Thesis Statement Model #4: Thesis with Concession and Reasons This model both makes a concession to opposing viewpoint and states the reasons/arguments for the writers main idea. While Not all Muslims were punished by the U. S. , Due to the Oklahoma City B numbing, U. S. Citizens are corrected of their stereotypical though ts towards terrorism; Terror risks are commonly NOT Muslims or foreign enemies. Because U. S. Citizens were not q questioned of their motives until the first American terrorist bombing. Before then Muslims were doubted, questioned, and hated for all motives whether good or not. , Due to the typical thought of Muslims being the ones to bomb buildings in the U. S. Many people showed h tater to all Muslims until an American terrorist, Timothy, had bombed the Federal Building g in Oklahoma City. , and -frothy McVeigh and John J. Manager were both American Terror sit Bombers that were involved in major city building bombings.. Remember: These thesis statements are generated based on the answers pro vided on the form. Use the Thesis Statement Guide as many times as you like. Your ideas a ND the results are anonymous and confidential. When you build a thesis statement that word KS for you, ensure that it addresses the assignment. Finally, you may have to rewrite the hisses statement so that the spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. Thesis Statement Guide: Sample Outline Use the outline below, which is based on the five-paragraph essay model, who en drafting a plan for your own essay. This is meant as a guide only, so we encourage you t o revise it in a way that works best for you. Introductory paragraph Start your introduction with an interesting hook to reel your reader in. An in transduction can begin with a rhetorical question, a quotation, an anecdote, a concession, an in tittering fact, or a question that will be answered in your paper. The idea is to begin broadly and gradually bring the reader closer to the main idea of the paper. At the end of the intros auction, you will pretentious thesis statement. The thesis statement model used in this exam peel is a thesis with reasons. rigorists are questioned, and hated for all motives whether good or not. , Due to the typical City. , and Timothy McVeigh and John J. Manager were both American Terror Paragraph #1 First, Due to the Oklahoma City Bombing U. S. Citizens are corrected of their SST erotically thoughts towards terrorism; Terrorists are commonly NOT Muslims or foreign enemies. Because LLC S. Citizens were not questioned of their motives until the first Aimer ICANN terrorist bombing. Before then Muslims were doubted, questioned, and hated for all motives whether good or not.. Notice that this Assertion is the first reason presented in the thesis statement . Remember that the thesis statement is a kind of mapping tool that helps you organize your ideas, and it helps your reader follow your argument. In this body paragraph, after the Ass erection, include any evidence-a quotation, statistic, data-that supports this first point. Explain what the evidence means. Show the reader how this entire paragraph connects back to the thesis statement. Paragraph #2 Additionally, Due to the typical thought of Muslims being the ones to bomb b alluding in the U. S. Many people showed hatred to all Muslims until an American terrorist, It mouthy, had bombed the Federal Building in Oklahoma City.. The first sentence of the second body paragraph should reflect an even strong gear Assertion to support the thesis statement. Generally, the second point listed in the thesis s tenement should be developed here. Like with the previous paragraph, include any evidence-?a quotation, tactics, data-that supports this point after the Assertion. Explain what the eve dance means. Show the reader how this entire paragraph connects back to the thesis state meet. Paragraph #3 Finally, the most important reason Due to the Oklahoma City Bombing, U. S. Chi tizzies are corrected of their stereotypical thoughts towards terrorism; Terrorists are co molly NOT Muslims or foreign enemies. Is Timothy McVeigh and John J. Manager were both American Terrorist Bombers that were involved in major city building bombings.. Your strongest point should be revealed in the final body paragraph.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Genre Of Clowning Essays - Clowns, Comedy, Clown, Circus Clown

Genre Of Clowning The Genre Of Clowning The genre of clowning actually originates from Greece, where satires had begun originating slowly as time went by. The art of satire was challenged throughout the years to form the various forms of clowning we have today. A clown must have certain abilities or skills to master its comedy upon the audience. It is a profession that requires delicate detail, precise movements, and of course a reaction. The costume for every type of comedy is extremely different. Commedia DellArte for example required masks for each of the characters, the masks obviated the use of face expression and communication, therefore making the characters more puppet like; relying more upon the use of voice and gesture. Masks were not only used in Commedia DellArte but also in other forms of Greek and Roman dramas. Other forms of comedy usually consist of costumes focusing on the clowns main faults and/or pertaining the clowns own personality. Not only is costume used to make an impression on the audience when first sighting the clown; but also the make-up must be done right to enhance whether the clown is happy, sad, evil, or falls into another category of personality. The make-up also provides great detail, and in a way is a more modern format of the masks used in Greece and Rome during the 15th Century. When one thinks of clowning, the instant image in mind is the thought of clowns in a circus; performing acrobatic acts and leaving the crowd in awe. This is usually most typical for more physical clowns, such as The Three Stooges. Though they do not look like the everyday circus clowns, they perform back flips, somersaults, and portray it all as clumsiness. A clown does not always need to impress an audience by acrobatics, but just by wit; though some audiences are more captivated by the appearance of a physical act. A physical act adds more stamina and energy to a scene, and can leave an audience laughing for hours. To make an audience laugh a voice is needed to speak and attract attention. Such attention can be provoked by the forms of an accent, exaggeration of the voice, or even silent mime. Though with a mime, more physical action is needed to involve the audience. Modern day clowns tend to stray more so towards no noise and a variety of sounds, exhorted from time to time. I.E; Mr. Bean A voice shows us all a clowns own personal traits. The walk of a clown is usually conducted in such a way that the audience can relate to, or in such a hilarious manner that laughter sounds throughout the theatre. A walk is part of a clowns personality, and as you may have noted, every clown walks their own walk, stating their individuality and independence. All in all, clowns have formed throughout the years to meet the requirements of a modern day society, but have still managed to hold the descent of Greece and Rome comedy within them. Theater

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Whistle Blowing Theory And Whistleblowers Protection Social Policy Essay Essays

Whistle Blowing Theory And Whistleblowers Protection Social Policy Essay Essays Whistle Blowing Theory And Whistleblowers Protection Social Policy Essay Paper Whistle Blowing Theory And Whistleblowers Protection Social Policy Essay Paper The purpose of this paper is to show the theory of whistle blowers protection, analyze the mechanisms for protection that surrounds it and pull out recommended whistle-blowing protection for Republic of Macedonia. It will get down with showing background theory for whistle blowers protection and specify the chief constructs of this theory such as who are the whistle blowers, what it means and when does it happen, and what are the most normally used mechanisms for protection of whistle blowers normally included in policies. The paper will furthermore, analyse the basic mechanisms of protection such as namelessness, unsusceptibility from legal action, and protection against reprisal which are frequently referred to as basic whistle-blowing protection, and farther mechanisms such as resettlement or transportation, reinstatement and back wage. These mechanisms will so be compared to the statute law in Macedonia. The concluding portion of this paper will reason with recommendations drawn out from these analyses for a whistle blowers policy protection that might be adopted by the Government in Macedonia. WHISTLEBLOWING Whistle-blowing is a term that has been used a batch in the media to show different instances of error and emphasize the importance of these instances for the public public assistance. In this portion of the paper we will look at the construct behind whistle-blowing and what this means through several different definitions that have been used in this theory or definitions that support the apprehension of the writer of this paper. Furthermore, we will specify the term whistle blower and whistle blowers protection and several instances of whistle blowers will be presented in order to show the importance of this protection. The term whistle-blowing comes from different beginnings. The general apprehension that underlines the beginning of this term normally derives from the action of whistling as an act of signaling. In these footings, Miceli and Near make a analogue of the act of blowing the whistling in a corporation or authorities, and the whistle of a football referee. By comparing whistle-blowing with an functionary on a playing field, such as a football referee, who can blow the whistling to halt action , they refer to the whistle blower as person who whistles to halt errors ( Miceli and Near 1992, 15 ) . Similarly Deiseroth, ties the term whistleblower to the Englishbobbies ( police officers ) , who would blow their whistlings when they would detect the committee of a offense ( International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility 2009 ) . All of these imply that whistle-blowing as an act is related to signaling errors. Before traveling into account of who are the whi stle blowers and what is the impact of describing incorrect behaviors, we will look at the theory that defines the construct of whistle blowers and whistle-blowing as an act. Harmonizing to Larmer, whistle-blowing is the act of complaining, either within the corporation or publically, about a corporation s unethical patterns ( Larmer 1992, 126 ) . De Maria in his book Deadly revelations: whistle-blowing and the ethical meltdown of Australia defines whistle-blowing as a public exposure of wrongdoing ( De Maria 1999, 32 ) and as an ethical opposition against the normally protected being of wrongdoing ( De Maria 1999, 34 ) . Whistle-blowing is besides defined as the revelation by organisations members ( former or current ) of illegal, immoral, or illegitimate patterns under the control of their employers, to individuals or organisations that may be able to consequence action ( Near and Miceli 1985, 4 ) . In add-on to these definitions Jubb looks at whistle-blowing in a broader scope and defines it as dissent, in response to an ethical quandary, in the signifier of a public accusal against an organisation ( Jubb 1999, 79 ) and in the more narrow footings defines it as: a calculated non-obligatory act of revelation, which gets onto public record and is made by a individual who has or had privileged entree to data or information of an administration, about non-trivial illegality or other wrongdoing whether existent, suspected or anticipated which implicates and is under the control of that administration, to an external entity holding possible to rectify the error ( Jubb 1999, 79 ) . As it can be understood from the provided definitions of whistle-blowing, we can reason that the construct of whistle-blowing is chiefly defined as a construct that involves coverage of ethical errors which affect the populace in the society. Now that we have underlined the beginnings and the act of whistle-blowing, we turn to placing who is the whistle blower and why there is a demand for a whistle blowers protection. De Maria defines whistle blowers as: a concerned citizen, wholly or preponderantly motivated by impressions of public involvement, who initiates of his or her ain free will, an unfastened revelation about important wrongdoing straight perceived in a peculiar occupational function, to a individual or bureau capable of look intoing the ailment and easing the rectification of incorrect making ( De Maria 1995, 447 ) . At the same clip, Miceli and Near define the whistle blowers as nowadays or past member of an organisation against which the ailment is lodged ( Miceli and Near 1992, 16 ) . The definitions given above imply and confirm the thought given in Jubb s more narrow definition of whistle-blowing about possessing inside cognition about an organisation sing different errors of the organisation or skeletons in their cupboards. They besides stress the importance of whistle blowers in the act of uncovering incorrect behaviors in the public sector or the organisations. Additionally, the provided definitions of incorrect behaviors besides stress the importance that these Acts of the Apostless frequently refer to information in ownership of the whistle blowers gained in the period of employment with the public sector or given organisation, which deals with illegal or un-ethical Acts of the Apostless. Unfortunately when information is leaked really frequently the inquiry within the organisations harmonizing to Frome is non Is it right or incorrect? but Who leaked it? ( Frome 1978, 53 ) . In many instances such as these, when this information is exposed to the populace, the whistle blowers are fired, repressed or in some utmost instances even assassinated. Such is the instance of Marlene Garcia Esperat who was killed for her exhibition A ; eacute ; on transplant and corrupt patterns ( Espejo 2006 ) in the Philippines Department of Agriculture in 2005. Similar is the instance of Satyendra Dubey who brought up the corruptness in the main road building in India and was assassinated in 2003 twelvemonth after he complained to Mr Vajpayee and the route web governments ( BBC News 2003 ) , and the instance of Manjunath Shanmugam, who brought up to attending the corruptness in the gas industry in India and was murdered for exposing an debasement racket in Lakhimpur in 2005 ( News, Daily News Updates 2009 ) . Even thought the instances presented above represent extreme state of affairss, they stress the importance of holding policies that will offer whistle blowers protection. The protection in these footings is provided through the several mechanisms brought up at the beginning of the paper, viz. the namelessness, unsusceptibility from legal actions, protection against reprisal every bit good as resettlement, reinstatement and back wage. Basic protection Anonymity Whistle blowers are in some instances reluctant to blow the whistling. This can be a consequence of many factors, some of which include the fright of their safety, the earnestness of the information that they are in ownership of, and some factors may include the fright of unjust revenge. In these instances whistle blowers may take to remain anon. . However even thought some of these factors can be into drama namelessness non ever can be guaranteed, particularly in instances as defined by Elliston when the namelessness impedes the chase of truth ( Eliston 1983, 174 ) . One manner of set uping namelessness is by debut hot lines in the organisation, but has to be taken into history that this may come as a struggle in smaller organisations. Unsusceptibility from legal action This shield refers to the unsusceptibility from legal actions for the whistle blowers. In the most simplified significance this reflects to state of affairss when the whistle blower may be given unsusceptibility from condemnable prosecution in exchange for their testimony. The Justice Department of Australia in a treatment paper on Public involvement disclosures provinces that individual that discloses information about incorrect making will non be apt for any action, claim or any other demand of any nature including for breach of legislative act, condemnable offense, calumny, breach of assurance, misconduct or other disciplinary offense ( Tasmanian Department of Justice 2000 ) . However, it needs to be noted every bit good that unsusceptibility from legal actions is besides non ever guaranteed. For illustration, a individual can non be given unsusceptibility if the errors that are reported have been carried by from the individual that is describing them. Protection against reprisal Protection against reprisal is seen as critical by Near and Dworkin because it signals organisational support for the coverage of error ( Near and Dworkin 1998, 1560 ) . These writers point out that an organisation that does non handle its employees reasonably under other fortunes would look more likely to revenge against whistle blowers than would an organisation that is seen as just ( Miceli and Near 1992, 217 ) . Sing the above, whistle-blowing protection policies normally define certain actions that are taken against persons that are trying or cabaling to do injury to the whistle blower. Further protection Resettlement or reassign Resettlement, which sometimes is tied to namelessness, is an extra mechanism of the whistle blower protection that provides resettlements or transportations to another section upon a petition of the individual that blows the whistling. In instances when the individuality of the whistle blower is keep anon. this protection is non necessary, whereas in instances of knows identity extra protection is provided by relocating the whistle blower. In other instances, the whistle blower if he has concern about his safety, he can once more bespeak for resettlement or transportation. It needs to be taken into history that sing this protection will most likely vary on a instance to instance footing. The South Australian Whistleblower Protection Act 1993 provinces that if whistle blowers feel that a reprisal might originate from their actions of describing errors, they can bespeak for resettlement on the footing that the lone practical manner to take or well take the danger ( South Australian W histleblower Protection Act 1993 ) . Redresss Reinstatement The reinstatement with the whistle blowers protection normally falls under the classs of redresss. Within this category reinstatement should be provided in order for the whistle blowers to go on his calling. Kohn states that one of the ends of reinstatement is to restore the employee as about as possible to the place he or she would hold been in if the favoritism has non occurred ( Kohn 2001, 331 ) . Furthermore, he states that reinstatement after a individual has blown the whistling is sometimes about impossible particularly when it comes to happening comparable work in the same industry ( Kohn 2001, 330 ) . In has to be taken into history that for most of the whistle blowers the issue of holding a occupation comes foremost and first from the basicss of the benefits that one addition in footings of income. Therefore, the protection to the whistle blowers by supplying reinstatement can be seen as holding important importance to the whistle blowers themselves. Lewis in his artic le on whistle-blowing at work besides points out to the importance of holding reinstatement provided by stating the where workers have lost their occupations they should besides hold the option of taking reinstatement or re-engagement ( Lewis 2001, 193 ) . Back wage Harmonizing to Kohn, back wage serves to vindicate the public policy behind a unlawful discharge legislative act, at Acts of the Apostless as a deterrence to future unjust labour patterns, and it serves to restore the injured employee to the same status quo as would hold existed but for the unlawful act ( Kohn 2001, 332 ) . These serves to supply the whistle blower with farther protection on the footing of compensation ; nevertheless the restriction of the back wage is that it is hard to come close the sum that the individual would hold earner have he or she stayed in the organisation. Kohn states that back wage awards are continues and are concluded once the employer makes unconditioned offer of reinstatement ( Kohn 2001, 333 ) . After we have looked at the whistle-blowing construct and the protection that is proved to whistle blowers, we need to take a expression at the statute law in Macedonia to see what sort of protection is offered, if any. Furthermore, we will go on with recommendations for whistle-blowing protection that the Government of Macedonia might see to implement in future whistleblower policies. Article 38 from the Law on free entree to information of public character in Macedonia provinces that: Any duty shall be removed from an employee within the province disposal that shall unwrap protected information, in instance such information be of significance for the revelation of maltreatment of power and perversive behaviour, every bit good as for the bar of serious menaces to human wellness and life and the environment ( Law on free entree to information of public character 2006 ) . In add-on to this article, Article 20 from the Law on bar of corruptness in Macedonia provides that: A individual who has disclosed information bespeaking an act of corruptness may non be capable to condemnable prosecution or to any other liability ; protection harmonizing to the jurisprudence shall be provided to a individual who has given statement or has testified in a process for an act of corruptness. This individual shall hold the right to compensation of amendss, which he/she or a member of his/her household has suffered, due to the statement made or testimony given ( Law on bar of corruptness 2002 ) . These two articles from the statute law in Macedonia provide some legal protection to whistle blowers, nevertheless they do non protect the whistle blower to the full. Article 38 from the Law on free entree to information of public character in Macedonia provinces that individual that would unwrap information about incorrect behaviors will be removed from duty, nevertheless the article does non specify this duty and whether it refers unsusceptibility of legal prosecution. In add-on, Article 20 from the Law on bar of corruptness bounds the disclosed information merely to Acts of the Apostless of corruptness, and likewise to the old article once more it does non specify the protection of the whistle blower in a manner that no farther information is given about the signifier of the compensation of amendss. The undermentioned subdivision of this paper provides the recommendation for an ideal whistle blowers protection and gives a recommendation on which of the steps or as we called them shields should be taken into consideration and drafted in a jurisprudence by the Government of Macedonia. Recommendation In footings of namelessness, the writer of this paper feels that it needs be taken into history that people sometimes choose non to blow the whistling when they consider this action to be conceited. In add-on to this, Miceli and Near point out that people sometimes do nt desire to take the clip to do a study ( Miceli and Near 1992, 42 ) . They furthermore emphasis that even thought guaranteed namelessness may cut down this prejudice to some extend, it does non turn to the other jobs ( Miceli and Near 1992, 42 ) . Having said this, the writer of this paper believes that farther devolution in policies that would turn to colored state of affairs should be good and explicitly developed in the whistle blowers protection. Recommendations on unsusceptibility refer closely to the treatment earlier about the Law on free entree to information of public character in Macedonia and the demand to clearly place the remotion of duty when unwraping errors and whether it refers to unsusceptibility of legal prosecution. The whistle blowers protection should include actions for people that are trying or cabaling in order to transport out reprisal over the whistle blower. These actions should include legal and disciplinary actions if a individual engages in Acts of the Apostless that would personally harm or endanger the safety of the whistle blower, would prosecute in Acts of the Apostless of belongings harm or loss, intimidates, decreases degree of employment and similar activities that might harm the white-blower. The writer of this paper believes that in footings of resettlement or transportation, a recommendation for an ideal policy for whistle-blowing protection aside from the resettlement and transportation should see spread outing this protection in a manner that would supply as good leave of absence in instance when no resettlement or transportation is available at the minute. This in add-on to the resettlement and transportation shield would supply more efficient protection when there is any opportunity that the individual blowing the whistling might be reprised. The whistle blowers protection should clearly specify reinstatement and back pays protection. In footings of reinstatement, it needs to be noted in the statute law that reinstatement must be to a comparable occupation ( Kohn 2001, 333 ) . The protection should clearly specify the procedure of back wage awards and if this procedure can last continuously until reinstatement of the employee has been brought up on the docket of the employer. Further considerations might be given in specifying the procedure of computation in footings of clip. This would connote that back wages can be cipher on quarterly footing which would connote that employees interim net incomes in one peculiar one-fourth have no effect on back wage liability for another one-fourth ( Kohn 2001, 333 ) , or they can be calculated on periods of six months which would reflect the current state of affairs in Macedonia where normally no important alterations are seen in footings of publicities or raise on salary on sh orted periods. In decision, the articles provided in the statute law of Macedonia referred to some grade to unsusceptibility from legal action and to payment of amendss to the whistle blowers as a consequence from inflicted amendss from a given testimony. Therefore, a whistle blowers protection is recommended that would give clear apprehension of what constitutes a individual that discloses errors, the chance for namelessness, reinstate or transportation every bit good as definitions of redresss that would follow these actions. Second and most of import due to the attempt of the Government of Macedonia to contend with corruptness holding a clear and good defined whistle blowers protection drafted in jurisprudence that might take to more rapid betterments when contending and bar corruptness. REFERENCE LIST BBC NEWS. 2003. India probes whistleblower slaying. BBC NEWS, December 15, hypertext transfer protocol: // ( accessed November 29, 2009 ) . Deiseroth, Dieter. 2009. What is whistle blowing? International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility. hypertext transfer protocol: // whistle-blowing A ; highlight=Dieter % 20Deiseroth ( accessed November 29, 2009 ) . De Maria, William. Deadly Disclosures: Whistleblowing and the Ethical Meltdown of Australia. Kent Town, S. Aust: Wakefield Press, 1999. De Maria, William.1995. Quarantining dissent: the Queensland populace sector moralss motion. Australian Journal of Public Administration 54 ( 4 ) : 442 455. Elliston, Frederick A. 1982. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Necklace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The Necklace - Essay Example In the story, great contrast between rich and poor can be visualized where he used main character like Mathilde who dreams of living a lavish life in spite of his mediocre situation. She has an ambition of becoming rich in glamorous clothes and jewelries and appreciated by men; but she married a low paid clerk and cannot afford her fantasies. These features of the fiction are similar to present day reality where poor people are sometimes not contented to what they can afford. They are more concerns on looking rich than attaining wealth from hardworking. Thus, the story also describes not only the surroundings of Maupassant, the author, but it also reflects realities of poor societies today. The better part of the story shows poverty can transform a person in a hard way. Like what Mathilde experienced, poverty has forced her to become stronger, to face responsibility, and to work harder. At first, she is very dependent and spoiled to her husband but her husband cannot afford all the c aprices she desires. Given the chance to taste the life she dreams. Mathilde demands indisputably nice dress and fabulous jewel to attend a party. Her husband gives his savings to buy dress, though it’s intended for buying a rifle, and Mathilde also borrows a diamond necklace from her rich friend. But, the night Mathilde fulfilled her dream turns her worst nightmare – Mathilde lost the necklace.